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A fresh new repo for small PDF utilities.

#color_convert.sh + gray_to_spot.ps
	./color_convert.sh black,cmyk,spot-PANTONE 705 U-0.9 0.1 0.5 0.1 input_layer1.pdf,input_layer2.pdf,input_layer3.pdf output.pdf
This will convert each input PDF file to the corresponding color mode (black, cmyk or spot color), then combine the resulting files on top of each other.
dependencies: pdftk (for multistamp) + Xpdf (for pdftops)

# rgb2cmyk.sh

    ./rgb2cmyk.sh input.pdf

This will convert a PDF to input-cmyk.pdf

If you need overprint:

    ./rgb2cmyk.sh input.pdf overprint

This will convert a PDF to input-cmyk-op.pdf

# colorSeparation.sh

    ./colorSeparation.sh input-cmyk.pdf

This makes black and white images of each CMYK plates and makes a small
HTML page to preview the plates. It will output blank plates if your PDF is in

Web interface for coloured preview of each plate:


By zooming out, you can see several pages at the same time:
![](many pages]http://osp.constantvzw.org/api/osp.tools.PDFutils/628a1a1eb8067a46be8cc6d7680bb7fa2e7144f7/blob-data/many-pages.png)